Date on the Station 12/09/13
Time on the Station 9:30p
Station Name Currumbin Valley

Sunrise Time 5:47a
Sunset Time 5:38p
Moon Phase First Quarter

Outside Temperature 15.6°C
High Outside Temperature 28.8°C at 11:49a
Low Outside Temperature 12.6°C at 5:40a
High Monthly Outside Temp 32.8°C
Low Monthly Outside Temp 8.9°C
High Yearly Outside Temp 36.4°C
Low Yearly Outside Temp 3.6°C

Outside Humidity 94%
High Humidity 99% at 7:09a
Low Humidity 24% at 10:26a
Outside Dew Point 14.6°C
High Dew Point 18.3°C at 8:15a
Low Dew Point 5.6°C at 10:26a

Wind Speed 0.0 kt
10 Minute Average Wind Speed 0.0 kt
High Wind Speed 7.8 kt at 9:47a
High Monthly Wind Speed 19.1 kt
High Yearly Wind Speed 27.0 kt

Barometer 1013.5 hPa
Barometer Trend Rising Slowly

Daily Rain 0.0 mm
Event Rain 0.0 mm
Monthly Rain 1.2 mm
Yearly Rain 1709.8 mm
Current Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
High Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr at ----
High Hourly Rain Rate 0.0 mm/hr
High Monthly Rain Rate 14.4 mm/hr
High Yearly Rain Rate 235.2 mm/hr

Inside Temperature 27.8°C
High Inside Temperature 29.9°C at 2:03p
Low Inside Temperature 23.1°C at 6:10a
Inside Humidity 43%